项目分类 | 城市规划

长白山果松小镇/Changbaishan Guosong Township

关键词 | 旅游地产、度假酒店

项目位置:吉林 · 抚松




容 积 率:0.83

       基地位置位于吉林省抚松县境内,旁边就是万达国际旅游度假区、仙人桥温泉度假区。规划中根据地区开阔的外部空间和良好的山林植被条件环境特征,提出新中式的建筑概念,以求突出“中国风”与本土地域建筑元素相结合,同时最大化的贴近“养生”、“文化体验”等度假休闲方式所配套的建筑风格。 在中式建筑风格的设计手法设计中强调细节和尺度、构件之间的比例;强调外墙及屋顶材料的色彩,坡屋顶、线脚、柱式及丰富的光影变化,赋予建筑以灵魂。

The base location is located in Fusong County, Jilin Province, next to Wanda International Tourism Resort and Xianrenqiao Hot Spring Resort. Based on the open external space of the area and the good characteristics of forest vegetation and environment, the plan proposes a new Chinese architectural concept in order to highlight the combination of “Chinese style” and local architectural elements, while maximizing closeness to “health” and “culture”. Experience the architectural styles such as "a resort vacation."

In the design of Chinese architectural styles, emphasis is placed on the details, scales, and proportions between components; emphasis is placed on the color of exterior walls and roofing materials, slope roofs, legs, pillars, and rich light and shadow changes to give architecture a soul.

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